The 5 Essential Points to Consider When Picking Your Online Psychiatrist

In recent years, more and more people have been heading online for more services. In fact, in a study conducted by the New York Times, it was discovered that COVID forever changed the way we approach services in addition to connecting with others.
That is, as a society, we’re now more open to receiving services virtually than ever before. This includes physical health checkups and even therapy sessions! Where people were once hesitant to explore these online options, an increasing amount of the population is leaning into the opportunity to receive these services virtually.
Just like in-person therapy, it is important for each individual to take the task of choosing their psychiatrist very seriously. After all, this person will be the one that you open up to in order to help you navigate your mental health!
To help you get started, check out our top five points to consider when picking your online psychiatrist:
Before you book an appointment, head to the “About” section of the consultancy’s website. All reputable online therapeutic establishments will provide a clear list of credentials for each of their psychiatric experts.
Furthermore, they should have biographical pieces written for each professional to give clients an idea of who they may be working with. Being able to read more about their caregiver allows clients to better connect with the experts they may be working with.
Therefore, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding out the educational background of each professional in the organization. Missing credentials may be a red flag that the consultancy isn’t a professional organization.
While reaching out to any online therapeutic consultancy, pay close attention to how your inquiry is approached. Did you receive thorough and prompt information? Was the tone of the message warm and welcoming?
If you receive anything less than kindness, that’s a sure sign you may want to look elsewhere for psychiatric services. Starting off on a sour note isn’t a great approach to your journey to mental wellness.
Furthermore, lack of customer service from any organization is a strong indicator of a consultancy that is either overwhelmed or inexperienced. Any online therapeutic establishment should be well-versed in creating a pleasant environment through excellent customer service.
One of the main benefits of receiving online therapy is the promise of responsiveness and timeliness. In recent years, it has become more common for people to go days or even weeks without receiving a callback or response email from their therapy office.
In some cases, they never receive contact at all! As you can imagine, being ghosted by a therapy office isn’t exactly good for anyone’s mental health. Online therapy was ideated to give people a more prompt experience. Therefore, when you reach out to an online therapy consultancy, you should expect a response back within 24-hours.
Before you and a psychiatrist create a set plan for your mental health, most professionals will book an initial consultation before launching into therapy. This is where they’ll get to know a bit more about you and how they can best apply their expertise.
During this time, you will have an opportunity to see if you feel at ease with that particular psychiatrist or even the atmosphere created by the consultancy. From the homepage of the organization’s website to the initial conversation about payment and scheduling, you should feel at ease knowing that you are working with competent professionals.
While chatting with your potential psychiatrist, pay attention to how you feel during your consultation appointment and even during your first therapy appointment. Attending a couple of appointments with a psychiatrist doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stick with them throughout your entire journey to mental wellness.
After giving yourself some time to warm up, do you feel invited and willing to open up about yourself? Do they create an environment conducive to healing? Are you able to completely express yourself without feeling judged? Does the psychiatrist’s gender or even age impact how you feel during your therapy session?
Although we all try not to have bias, we often cannot help it. For example, someone who suffered extreme abuse from a father figure may have a difficult time opening up to an older male psychiatrist. Remember, it’s okay to advocate for yourself and to be honest about how you feel during therapy and about your psychiatrist.
Final Thoughts
The whole point of attending therapy is to learn how to manage our own minds to live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. Therefore, your comfort and peace of mind matters greatly when it comes to choosing an online psychiatrist!
Here at HOPE Psychiatric Consultants, we are dedicated to your mental wellbeing. For more information about online therapy services and our specific expertise, we invite you to Contact Us at any time. A member of our team will gladly discuss any questions you may have!